How do I apply for an Italian credit card?
Here are some responses from travelers who have experience with this:
The first thing to consider is if you are legal Italian residents and already have a bank account set up in Italy. If so, you can get a credit card through your Italian bank, linked to your Italian bank account. Cards in Italy are generally not revolving cards issued by independent banks like in America (and I suppose the UK), with the notable exception of Barclays. Most cards are issued in conjuction with your current account, have a modest credit limit to start, and have the entire balance debited from your account on the 15th of the month following. So, all charges for May would be debited on 15 April. Barclays offers a true revolving card with an online application, as does Monte Paschi di Siena to their own clients (M'honey card). As long as you have a codice fiscale, you can also get a prepaid Visa or Mastercard from several banks and Poste Italiane. I happen to know that these work with PayPal as I have one I reserve for internet use. You just charge up the card in cash at the sportello or from your online banking and use it like a regular Visa or Mastercard.
You can use a Carte PostePay with PayPal without opening a regular BancoPosta account. Just need a carta d'identità- very easy to apply at the local ufficio postale. It's a rechargeable debit card that works with Visa Electron. Here's the link at the Poste website.